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Royale Energy Strength Booster

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; Royalè Energy Strength Booster  Php205.00 Contains properties which help boost energy, enhance endurance, improve alertness and alleviate stress without caffeine.  This gives you energy boost without the...Read more

3 Kojic Papaya Soaps Sold Today

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Royalizing Cebu, thank you for the continued patronage of Royale products. Order came from my loyal client from Germany who gifted kojic papaya soaps for her cousin in Cebu. #royale #repeatorder  #christinchenroyal...Read more

Royale Bath Soap Guava And Lavender

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; ROYALE BATH SOAPS GUAVA AND LAVENDER❤️❤️❤️FOR PHP70 Only! Royale Bath Soap-Anti- Bacterial Formula ~ Specially formulated soap blended with Guava Extracts and Tea Tree Oil, a powerful duo from nature to combat...Read more

Royale Dentrin Toothpaste With Nanoxim - The Enamel Repair Ingredient

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; Royale Dentrin Toothpaste Php525.00 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate) FOR ORDERS AND INQUIRIES CONTACT:Christine 09295629471 (Viber/ Whatsapp)                /...Read more

L'Opulent Femme Antiperspirant and Deodorant For Women

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; L'opulent FemmeUnderarm Whitening Glutathione Deodorant  (With L-Glutathione, Arbutin and Vitamin E) Php350.00 L'OPULENT Femme Anti-Perspirant  Deodorant provides all-day-long protection from body...Read more

L'Opulent Anti-Perspirant Deodorant

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; L'OPULENT HOMME for men.. Anti-Perspirant Deodorant 🔥 L'opulent Homme Deodorant For Men (With L-Glutathione, Arbutin and Vitamin E) Php360.00 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate) FOR...Read more

L'Opulent Lueur Brightening Cream

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var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; L'OPULENT LUEUR Php585.00 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate) FOR ORDERS AND INQUIRIES CONTACT:Christine 09295629471/ 09066151422paperworksgalore@gmail.com skype:christinchen184 trusted...Read more

Royale Bull Extreme 5 Boxes Of 12 Blister Packs Sold Today

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Powerful Midweek! Royalizing Bahrain! Thanks for the repeat purchase.. truly with Royale products, no hard selling! Thanks again, to a new valued client from overseas... thanks for trusting me and purchasing a total of more than Php19,000 worth of Royale products today... Shipped...Read more