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Wordless Wednesday - Royale Travel Incentive Russia


The heat of summer is being felt in some parts of the world, and for us in the Philippines the rainy season has begun but still the heat goes on. I'm quite chatty today for Wordless Wednesday :)

I just need an intro for this post.. I'm sharing the latest photos from the Royale travel incentive trip to Russia of our awesome business partners Rocky and Maria. 

This is how Royale Business Club rewards its distributors! 
All expense paid travel incentive to Russia and Turkey!
So wow! I declare this,too, is my future!

This is one of the great reasons why I joined Royale, I listened to the business presentation, and our business partners testimonials and everyday got so awed of all the inspiring stories. Want to get a picture of how Upline Rocky and Upline Maria's lives changed years after joining Royale ?
Here's her story, and here's an old photo of them: