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Wordless Wednesday - Photos From My Royale B.E.S.T. Graduation


Happy Wordless Wednesday, folks!
 This week am sharing photos from my recent B.E.S.T. Graduation From Royale last January 16, 2016 at 77 Crossroad Center, Quezon City. This is one of the grand events right after a Royale distributor completes the B.E.S.T. trainings.

                                      Am here with Ms. Mady Sotelo, one of our team mates who was awarded Achiever's Circle, and with Mr. Albert Nunez, one of our team mates from Olongapo who also graduated that day.

Here with one of our mentors, Ms Nenita Fernandez , a top earner in Royale, who is a registered by profession. Also here is Up Olivia, my upline.

Am here with Up Maria, our grand upline. ( I once featured some of their photos / success stories here)

I'm number 339

Here with Ms. Cristeta Bulseco, one of the top earners and mentors from Royale Dagupan and La Union

Wordless Wednesday - "Why Royale?" BEST Training At Dagupan

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Royale Distributor's Meeting And Training

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And here I am attending the training :)

Wordless Wednesday - Crayon Colors Brighten My Day!

crayons photo: Crayon Heartt(: crayons.jpg

crayons photo: Crayola dixie Crayola-Dixie.jpg

crayons photo: crayola colours Assortedcrayolas.png

crayons photo: crayons! crayons.jpg

Thanks for visiting my blog :) Join us here on Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday - Sportscars

Remember that exciting day we went to Royale Business Club Center in Quezon City?
Yes, we ladies took our photos by the dashing sportscars of our business partners :)

Happy WW, everyone! Join us here too

And photos of Royale distributors taken from other places where we usually meet up

Here's an added video of successful Royalista sportscar owners. Yes, our business partners are there too!
If you can't view the video, please click here

Wordless Wednesday - Dream Vacation


Then let's get wordless :here:

Wordless Wednesday

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This picture makes me happy without gaining an ounce! I just thought of taking this picture when I was getting shutter-happy one afternoon. That's the bottom of a Cadbury box my children received from their aunt, when she came home to the Philippines.