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Royale Choco All 8 Chocolate Drink Mix

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Choco All 8 Drink Mix
28g/sachet 12 sachets/box
Php235 plus shipment fee of 109.00 (flat rate)
Christine  +639295629471/ +639759172320

International orders are welcome! 
Shipping will be via EMS (3-7 days) shipment fee varies. 
Items will be delivered upon payment confirmation, tracking number will be sent thru text or email

Three (3) Basic Ingredients:

Cocoa – Made from the finest European Cocoa.
Milk – Australian quality full cream milk.
Sugar – Ultra fined powdered sugar prepared ideally for chocolate drink.

Plus Five (5) Health Supplements:
• Contains beta carotene that is ten times more concentrated than carrots that helps support your body's defenses.
• It has 60% easy-to-digest vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol of meat, with all the essential amino acids.
• It is a good source of Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) found in mother's milk.
• Rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.
• It is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians. It has unusual phytonutrients for 
health and cleansing.

Chlorella Growth Factor ( CGF )
• Chlorella Growth Factor along with proper diet and exercise helps refresh, rejuvenate every cell of the body, utilize nutrients more 
effectively and helps combat damaging free radicals.
• Enhances and encourage the rejuvenation of your body’s own RDA/RNA, as it helps to strengthen and improve your hair, skin and nails, thus 
you will look and feel younger.
• Improves digestion and supports good bowel health and regularity.
• Normalizes blood pressure.
• Protects the brain from age-related memory loss
• Relieves the effects of arthritis pain
• It helps to promote healthy growth in children without adverse side effects.

Grape Seed Extract
• Grape seed extract is one of the most powerful antioxidants that fights free radicals.
• It is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times stronger than Vitamin E.
• Grape seed extract helps improve cardiovascular health, helps promote brain, skin and eye health.

• Calcium is the essential mineral in bones and teeth. It is also needed for muscle contraction, blood vessel contraction and expansion, the 
secretion of hormones and enzymes, and sending messages through the nervous system.

Ginkgo Biloba
• Ginkgo Biloba has been recognized as a brain tonic and can be responsible for enhancing memory, improving both short and long term memory, 
increasing reaction times and improving mental clarity. Because of these benefits of ginkgo biloba it is now used to treat elderly patients 
suffering with Alzheimer's disease and other cerebral insufficiency symptoms.
• Ginkgo is also beneficial in inhibiting platelet activity factor which can be over stimulated by stress and poor nutrition. The over 
stimulation of PAF can cause brain damage, cardiovascular disease, hearing disorders, and other inflammatory diseases.

• Other benefits of ginkgo biloba include reducing tension, anxiety, and restoring energy.

Spirulina As An Antioxidant

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Spirulina is a blue-green algae which is believed to be the first form of plant life on earth (nearly 3.5 billion years old). Since its rediscovery in the 1960′s, Spirulina has been exhaustively and extensively tested by scientists around the world. And has proved to be the most powerful and well-balanced source of nutrition on the planet.

Upon testing it, NASA found it to be an excellent, compact space food for astronauts (1 kg. of Spirulina is equivalent to 1000 kgs. of assorted vegetables). International health organisations have hailed Spirulina as one of the “Greatest Superfoods on Earth”. An ideal food supplement, Spirulina provides the body with all the essential nutrients required daily, leaving you fresh, active and energetic through out the day.

100 times more Vitamin A than carrots !

Spirulina is the world’s richest natural source of Beta-Carotene (Pro Vitamin A), which helps to improve eye sight.

6 times more protein than eggs !

Spirulina has a very high natural protein content (upto 70%). This protein is a called complete since it has 18 of the 22 amino acids that the body needs and being organic in form, has very high digestibility ( upto 97% ). This ensures proper utilisation & assimilation of the food a person eats.

50 times more Iron than Spinach !

Anaemia or iron deficiency is one of the most common health problems of our country. Spirulina’s rich content of natural Iron & folic acid helps not only to greatly improve haemoglobin levels in the blood, but being organic, is 60 times more absorbable than synthetic iron present in most of the haematinics.

7 times more Calcium than milk !

Spirulina is one of the World’s richest known sources of natural Calcium which helps build strong bones.

10 times more Potassium than vegetables ! Its Potassium content (upto 10 times more than common vegetables) helps prevent hypertension.

Unstable molecules called “Free Radicals” are generated in every human body as a result of normal metabolic processes. These can lead to ailments like cancer, arthritis, cataracts, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and premature ageing. To combat these free radicals you need ‘Anti-Oxidants’ like Vitamins A,C & E, Zinc, Selenium, Super Oxide Dismutase. Spirulina is the world’s richest and only natural source of all these ‘Anti-Oxidants’.

Fat deposits in blood vessels called cholesterol are the reason behind a majority of heart problems. Spirulina has Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which dissolves these fat deposits, thus preventing heart problems.

Spirulina is the only known vegetarian source of Vitamin B12 which helps fight stress and calm your nerves.

Unique ‘Biliproteins’ & ‘Carotenoids’ in Spirulina strengthen the body’s immune system against possible infections.

Research suggests when Spirulina is taken with anti-cancer drugs, antibiotics and pain killing drugs, toxic side effects to the kidney can be significantly reduced and shorter recovery times may be possible.

Extensive research studies have been carried out around the world. Some of the relevant findings listed here are based on scientific findings:

A one year feeding program with 5000 pre-school children showing a symptom of Vit.A deficiency, Bitot’s spot, decreased from 80% to 10% after intake of 1 gm Spirulina a day for at least 150 days.

Another study with 400 school children suggests Spirulina as an alternate to pure Vitamin A therapy.

In a 1991 study in Belarus, 11 49 undernourished and radiation poisoned children were fed with Spirulina. Within 45 days, doctors found T-cell suppressors and beneficial hormones rising, and in 83% of the children radioactivity of the urine decreased.

In 1989, the National Cancer Institute (NCA-USA) announced that chemicals called glycolipids or sulfolipids from blue-green algae were “remarkably active” against the AIDS virus. Recent Japanese research revealed a high level of sulfolipids in Spirulina, 1.12%

Royale Spirulina Is The World's Richest Superfood

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Royale Spirulina
1000mg per caplet (90 caplets per bottle)
Php13.00 per caplet
Php1155.00 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate)

Christine 09295629471/09066151422


International orders also accepted, please check international rates


 1000mg/tablet 90 tablets/bottle 

SPIRULINA (Arthrospira Platensis)

Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae whose cells form the shape of a perfect spiral coil (thus, the name Spirulina, or little spiral). It contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain, or herb.


Spirulina and Weight Loss 

 - a non-meat product that contains the highest protein content, along with all the essential nutrients and amino acids, without the unnecessary carbohydrates or fats.

Spirulina and Cholesterol 

- Spirulina contains Gamma-Linoleic Acid (GLA), which is found uniquely on mother’s milk; it promotes heart health and lowers blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Spirulina and Diabetes 

- Spirulina has been found to have significant positive effects on people suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Reports indicate that Spirulina has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels in the body after 6 to 8 weeks of intake.

Spirulina and Cancer 

- Spirulina has long been established to have cancer fighting ingredients and helps boost the immune system. A rich source of Potassium, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium, Sodium, and Zinc. 

Spirulina and Nutrition
  • contains all essential Amino Acids
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, E and H
  • 100 times more Vitamin A than carrots
  • 50 times more Iron than Spinach
  • 10 times more Beta Carotene than Papaya
  • 10 times more Calcium than Milk
  • 6 times more Protein than Eggs
  • 3 times more Iron than Beef
  • 20 times more Beta- Carotene than carrots
  • Excellent source of GLA
  • provides Alpha- Linolenic Acid ( ALA ) , Linoleic Acid ( LA ), Stearidonic Acid (SDA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid ( EPA ),
Docosahexaenoic Acid ( DHA ), Arachidonic Acid(AA)
A rich source of Potassium, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium, Sodium and Zinc.


  1. Children with inadequate vegetable intake. 
  2. Teenagers who require extra nutrition during their rapid growing years. 
  3. Pregnant women who need balanced nutrition. 
  4. Elderly people who have limited dietary options yet require a wide spectrum of nutrients to maintain optimum health, since Spirulina is easily digestible. 
  5. Athletes, or people who are active in any sport; Spirulina provides energy and improves stamina 
  6. People suffering from ailments, recuperating from diseases, needing proper nourishment for fast recovery (Please consult your doctor). 
  7. People who fail to eat a balanced meal due to their busy lifestyle; those who rely on ‘fast’ or processed foods. Vegetarians who must acquire protein from vegetables; Spirulina is 65% protein by weight, 95% digestible protein (digestible protein in beef is about 20%).
  8. Contraindicated for individuals with phenylketonuria
    Contraindicated for patients with lupus, MS, arthritis, gout and for patients on prednisone or steroids.
    Contraindicated for dialysis patients because of its high potassium content

more articles on spirulina:

vitamin B12,  chlorella and spirulina, spirulina algae, buy spirulina