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L-GlutaPOWER462 As Antioxidant

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What is GLUTATHIONE? Glutathione is a natural compound produced by the human body and found in every cell. This is made from 3 amino acids: Cysteine, Glutamine, and Glycin, which are very critical for detoxification and serve as powerful antioxidants. 

Cysteine has mucolytic properties, and is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Glycine, part of the thiol group, which serves as a reducing agent to prevent oxidation of tissues. Glutathione is normally produced by the body in response to today’s environment such as pollution from the air we breathe, the water we drink, chemicals and pesticides in the food we eat that causes damages in our cells and circulatory system. It has been widely heralded for its importance in improving health and long life. Glutathione in increased doses has also been found to have the beneficial side effect of WHITENING THE SKIN.Since these exist within the cells, they are in primary position to fight free radicals and help the liver remove drug and pollutants. More importantly, it rejuvenates body cells especially cancer patients who are undergoing therapy. Glutathione has been widely heralded for its importance in improving health and long life. 

– metabolize carbohydrates
– aid in the oxidation of fats
– prevent cells oxidation
– protect red and white blood cells
– build healthy immune response
– protect the system against oxidative damage
– slow ageing and improve skin condition
- people who smoke

– people undergoing chemotherapy
– people with low sperm count
– people with liver problem
– people who drink alcohol
– people who work out regularly/body builders
– people with weak immune system
– people who are regularly exposed to chemicals/pesticides
– people who wish to have fairer & whiter skin

ANTIOXIDANT-It is a powerful anti-oxidant that protects the body by targeting and destroying reactive oxygen molecules and free radicals. It is found in high concentrations in the liver, where it binds to heavy metals such as mercury and lead, chemical pollutants, and carcinogens and transforms them into a form that can be easily flushed out of the body via enzymatic pathways.
IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER Immune Depressed individuals have lower Glutathione (GSH) levels when fighting disease. Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune response, depend on GSH for their proper function and replication. Cellular depletion of Glutathione has been implicated as a causative or contributory factor in many pathologies including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, arteriosclerosis, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, aging, AIDS and cancer. In addition, Glutathione is essential in supporting the immune system, including natural killer cells and in the maintenance of T-lymphocytes
DETOXIFIER Glutathione detoxifies many pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It retards damage from radiation such as seen with loss of the ozone. The liver is the main detoxification organ of the body. In the liver we find very high concentrations of Glutathione, as it is a major factor in numerous biochemical detoxification pathways. Numerous studies have demonstrated that patients with compromised liver function due to alcohol abuse have significant reduction of Glutathione in the liver.

Here are some celebrity users of L-Gluta Power700!

Royale Product Combination For Asthma And Rhinitis Sufferers

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For other countries, this package weighs 1.5kl. please add extra for shipping, add 4.4% of total payment and send via paypal to paperworksgalore@gmail.com


Php3105 plus shipment fee for 1.5 kilo (check your country's rate here)
for paypal payment please add 4.4% of total fee

Products are on hand, ready to ship. 

Royale-C (Php425)- mother of all vitamins, needed to support the immune system during weight loss

Royale Grapeseed Extract (Php1280)- has - L-carnitine which converts fat to fuel

Spirulina (Php1255) - a non-meat product that contains the highest protein content, along with all the essential nutrients and amino acids, without the unnecessary carbohydrates or fats

Christine 09295629471/ 09066151422

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keywords: asthma, rhinitis

Royale Product Combination For Asthma And Rhinitis Sufferers

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USA Shipping

Canada Shipping
For other countries, this package weighs 1.5kl. please add extra for shipping, add 4.4% of total payment and send via paypal to paperworksgalore@gmail.com


Php3105 plus shipment fee for 1.5 kilo (check your country's rate here)
for paypal payment please add 4.4% of total fee

Products are on hand, ready to ship. 

Royale-C (Php425)- mother of all vitamins, needed to support the immune system during weight loss

Royale Grapeseed Extract (Php1280)- has - L-carnitine which converts fat to fuel

Spirulina (Php1255) - a non-meat product that contains the highest protein content, along with all the essential nutrients and amino acids, without the unnecessary carbohydrates or fats

Christine 09295629471/ 09066151422

keywords: asthma, rhinitis

The Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

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“A pomegranate a day keeps the cardiologist away” you can try and see the wonder.


Two things are full of benefits for the human being, lukewarm water and pomegranate. Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit so I tried an experiment with dried pomegranate seeds(DRY ANARDANA), prepared a decoction boiling the fistful of dried seeds in half litre of water for 10 minutes, squeezed the seeds, strained the decoction and advised those patients suffering from painful angina to use a glass of lukewarm decoction on an empty stomach in the morning, amazing result was observed, the decoction of dried pomegranate seeds worked like a magic, the feelings of tightness and heaviness of chest and the pain had gone,

It encouraged me to try more experiments on all types of cardiac patients so I tried other experiments on patients who were suffering from painful angina, coronary arterial blockage, cardiac ischemia (insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle) etc, waiting for a bypass surgery, the same lukewarm decoction was used empty stomach in the morning, the patients experienced quick relief in all symptoms including painful condition

In another case of coronary arterial blockage the patient started using half glass of fresh pomegranate juice everyday for one year, although all symptoms were completely relieved within a week but he continued taking it for a whole year, it completely reversed the plaque build-up and unblocked his arteries to normal, the angiography report confirmed the evidence, thus decoction of dried pomegranate seeds, fresh pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate on empty stomach in the morning proved to be a miracle cure for cardiac patients,

But the lukewarm dried seeds decoction proved to be more effective compared to eating a whole pomegranate or fresh pomegranate juice, use of pomegranate in any way has demonstrated even more dramatic effects as blood thinner, pain killing properties for cardiac patients, lowers LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and raises the HDL (high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol) , there are more than 50 different types of heart diseases the most common being coronary artery disease (CAD), which is the number one killer of both women and men in some countries, and there has been no medicinal cure for this disease, many cardiac patients have reversed their heart diseases on my advice using one glass of lukewarm decoction of pomegranate dried seeds, half glass of fresh pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate on empty stomach in the morning, it was the very first real breakthrough in the history of cardiology to successfully treat the cardiac diseases by a fruit, The more super foods to obtain the even faster results for cardiac patients which are most promising curative and protective agents like fresh raisins, quince, guava, prunes (dried plums), natural vinegar, mixture of grape fruit juice and honey in the morning (empty stomach), basil leaves, chicory leaves, powder of oregano leaves and rock salt in equal quantity (in case the patient is not hypertensive) and sesame oil as cooking oil for cardiac patients.

It is regretted to say that treating the heart patients and bypass surgery has become far more profitable business around the world which has failed to help avert life threatening heart attacks and life time cardiac complications resulting in almost paralyzed life. A regular use of pomegranate in any way ensures a healthy cardiac life, thinning your blood, dissolving the blood clots and obstruction inside the coronary arteries, maintains an optimal blood flow, supports a healthy blood pressure, prevents and reverses atherosclerosis. (Thickening of the internal lining of the blood vessels) from whatever I experienced and observed in last several years, I can say: 

Courtesy: Dr Syed Zair Hussain Rizvi

Facebook Finds: Reflexology Chart

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Press with thumb for 5 seconds & release for 3 seconds, in the affected point. Repeat for 2-3 minutes for 5 to 10 days. u will get relief....dont forget to share...it costs nothing..it may be useful to some one.

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Aloe Vera Health Benefits

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Aloe Vera (which means True Aloe) has been used for thousands of years and is still present in varieties of medicines today. It is used predominantly as an herbal remedy for the skin, digestion, the reproductive system and detox. A gel or pulp can be extracted from the plants for many benefits, both externally and internally.

It is most commonly used to treat skin conditions by soothing the skin and easing pain and inflammation. It can even speed up the healing process of burns, eczema and other conditions. The plant’s gel can be rubbed to reduce redness after a couple of days. Rubbing the leaf over cuts in the skin can prevent infection and speed up the healing process by acting like a bandage. Because of aloe vera's healing and moisturising benefits to the skin, it has been adopted by cosmetic companies and added in many products.

The juice of Aloe Vera can be extracted by cutting the leaf, collecting the juice and then evaporating it. The juice has many benefits when taken orally. It contains twelve vitamins (including A, B1, B6, B12, C and E), nineteen amino acids and over 20 minerals, which most of these are essential to the body. Aloe Vera is also known for its ability to clean the liver and protect the digestive system by reducing intestinal inflammation.

My personal take on aloe vera since we've tried it at home is just amazing! It heals cuts and scrapes quickly and can help smooth the skin over time. Taken as juice, aloe vera reduces hunger pangs and cravings.

Note: Seek the advice of a qualified physician before using this product since it can sometimes aggravate pre-existing conditions.