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Royale Coffee Blend 8 in 1 Coffee Mix 12 Sachets/Box Order Here Today

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Php225 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate)
 +639295629471/ +639066151422


Why just drink ordinary coffee when you can enjoy the fantastic taste and health benefits of Royale Blend Coffee.

8 in 1 Coffee Mix

3 Basic Ingredients: 
1. Coffee
2. Cream 
3. Sugar (Regular/ Sucralose (Lite)

Plus 5 Health Supplements:

SPIRULINA (Spirulina Plantensis) 

is a microscopic freshwater plant, an aquatic micro-vegetable/ organism composed of transparent bubble-thin cells stacked end-to-end forming a helical spiral filament

helps lower the cholesterol & reduces blood sugar levels in  the body. 

 rich in protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamins, and Minerals - a good source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc.

KOREAN GINSENG scientific name: Panax Ginseng

helps individual cope with physical and emotional stress, 

are best known as "adaptogens", which are substances that may help individuals cope with physical and emotional stress. Panax ginseng's possible ability to regulate the immune system has been potential effectiveness in preventing colds, flu, and some forms of cancer. Panax ginseng has been shown to lower blood levels of both sugar and cholesterol. Therefore, it may help treat type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.


 helps cleanse the body from toxins

works in the treatment of cancer because it helps cleanse the body toxins and strengthens the immune system. It enhances liver detoxification, thus improving liver function and stimulating the regeneration of liver cells - making it a very important supplement for those who have liver cancer.

Qualities of Ganoderma that help in the treatment of cancer include:

It enhances and helps regulate the immune and endocrine system, prevent tumors, improving the circulation and eliminating harmful free radicals.

Inhibits DNA synthesis of the cancer cells, destroys the terminal enzyme activity of the tumor cells, promotes macrophages and regulates T and B lymphocytes, thus restraining the spread of cancer cells.

It can also reduce the toxic and side effects and mitigate the pains during chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Enhances liver detoxification, thus improving liver function and stimulating the regeneration of liver cells.
Helps with cancerous ascites, increases appetite and help relieve the pain of late stage cancer.

It is especially effective with kidney diseases.


a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radical damage

used for the conditions related to the heart and blood vessels such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and poor circulation.

other reasons for the use of grapeseed extract include complications related to diabetes such as nerve and eye damage; vision problems such as macular degeneration (which can cause blindness); and swelling after an injury or surgery.


a mushroom that cited as a powerful anti-viral agent.

A mushroom native to and grown in the southeastern partr of Brazil, contains the highest amount of beta-D-glucan, measured in a mushroom.

Beta Glucan has been the subject of much research yielding results that support usage for enhancement of the immune system, as well as cardio vascular support, blood sugar and cholesterol modulators and digestive system.

How does Agaricus Blazei Mushroom Helps you to Fight Cancer?

Agaricus Blazei Mushroom effectively fight cancer cells by enhancing the body's own immune system
Researchers discovered that the Agaricus Blazei Mushroom is rich in two polysaccharide compounds, the Beta-1,3 D-glucan and Beta-1,6 D-glucan.
Further studies revealed that the mushroom has been clinically found to be effective in improving most health problems
Studies showed that the number of cancer cells generated in the body decreased considerably due to the polysaccharides found in the mushroom
The mushroom was cited as a powerful antiviral agent that helped prevent viruses and harmful agents from entering delicate tissue.
The polysaccharides found in the mushroom were found to be effective against Ehrlich's ascites carcinoma (EAC), sigmoid colonic cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer,lung cancer, and liver cancer as well as most solid tumors


Empty contents of sachet into a cup. Add 180 ml hot water then stir to dissolve powder.

The Benefits Of Agaricus Blazei

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#reposted from Cancer Fighting Strategies ttp://www.cancerfightingstrateg

 Agaricus Blazei (Hime matsutake),

In Japan, Agaricus Blazei was found to eliminate all cancerous tumors in 90% of the experimental mice. Additionally, when the mice were fed Agaricus Blazei as a preventative and then injected with a very powerful cancer causing agent (Sarcoma 180), 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.

Agaricus Blazei - Immune Stimulant
1- Anti-tumor effect: Polysaccharides including beta and protein glucan decrease and control cancerous cell proliferation.
2- Cancer inhibition effect: Steroids, nucleic acids, lipids and lectins restrain cancerous cell multiplication.
3- Anti-cancer and metastasis inhibition effect: Agaricus blazei prevents normal cells from becoming cancerous cells. The mushroom shows a remarkable cancer prevention rate of 99.4%.
4- Reducing blood sugar: The mushroom is effective in fighting diabetes.
5- Controlling blood pressure: It lowers cholesterol level and eases arteriosclerosis.

reference: Global Healing

Agaricus blazei Murrill is an edible Brazilian mushroom with a low calorie content and high nutrient density. The mushroom, which originates in a small Brazilian village called Piedade, contains minerals, fibers, vitamins and amino acids. In 1960, a Japanese researcher named Takatoshi Furumoto discovered the mushroom and sent it to Japan to be evaluated. Analysis shows that AbM has a higher degree of protein and carbohydrates than most other mushrooms. Despite the nutrient activity, most of the excitement and interest surrounding the Agaricus blazei mushroom are related to its medicinal qualities.

Agaricus blazei Murrill Activates the Immune System

One of the incredible attributes of ABM is that it activates your body’s natural defense by stimulating your immune system. Agaricus blazei Murill has been used in traditional medicine to address the formation of many infectious diseases, most probably by cranking up the defenses. Lab mice given AbM have been observed to experience stimulation to their immune cells.  That observation wasn’t just a fluke, additional studies across the world have confirmed the immune system supporting tendencies of the Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom. Very encouraging revelations came from research conducted by China Medical University. There, researchers watched as AbM extract stimulated the immune system and response in mice with leukemia

Agaricus blazei Murrill and the Immune System

The immune system activation of AbM may also be useful for systemic redness and swelling. Medicinal mushrooms often contain compounds called polysaccharides which help modulate the immune system. Beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharide and AbM has lots of them.Confirming AbM’s resistance to inflammation, one study showed that an extract of AbM has been shown to promote a normal, healthy immune response in subjects after just 12 days.