
My Newly Opened Royale Anti-aging Soap

Let me begin again with how to make your soap last longer, this time by using Royale Anti-Aging Soap

                             Open the hard plastic soapbox to uncover the soap with it's soft plastic cover. 
                              Pull off the sticky tape used to seal the soap.

Peel off the soft plastic cover with a thin blade.
Make sure to peel off just half an inch to leave out the part for applying soap.

(Cut off the hard plastic soapbox equally as the cut-off part from the soft plastic cover. Doing this will make your soap more protected from water drops which can eventually melt the soap sooner)


(Below) This is the side where you will rub off soap with your palm before applying to your skin.
Simply apply lightly with your fingers/palm onto skin, and work up a generous lather for skin to absorb. Lather not longer than 30 seconds. 
Rinse and pat dry with a clean towel.

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