
Wordless Wednesday - Sportscars

Remember that exciting day we went to Royale Business Club Center in Quezon City?
Yes, we ladies took our photos by the dashing sportscars of our business partners :)

Happy WW, everyone! Join us here too

And photos of Royale distributors taken from other places where we usually meet up

Here's an added video of successful Royalista sportscar owners. Yes, our business partners are there too!
If you can't view the video, please click here


  1. @Alasandra - Yes, me too, I love that yellow car!

    @Deb - Fantastic, isn't it? I sure hope to have one also someday soon :)

    our business partners/ independent distributors of Royale Products acquired their dream cars through this business. And I'm glad to be part of this company from the Philippines because I know it's possible to achieve those dreams :)

  2. I'm not into cars much, but I like the bright yellow!

  3. Looks like such fun! Not a huge car fan, but I do love yellow!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog; I like Robert Frost too. On the other side of the paper was 'The Language Issue' - a beautiful translation from Irish that I would really recommend reading :)
    Happy WW :D

  4. Those are some pretty nice rides.
