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Royale-C Sodium Ascorbate 564.2mg/ Capsule 50 capsules Per Bottle, Order Now

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Php425 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate)

Christine 09295629471/+639066151422


•  Easily Absorbed by the System
•  Alkaline –Non-Acidic
•  Tummy-Friendly
•  Mother of all Vitamins

Benefits of Royalè-C:
•  Boosts immune system
•  Strengthens bones and joints
•  Increases iron absorption
•  Anti-Oxidant
•  Promotes collagen renewal
•  Adjunct in the prevention of cardio vascular problems
•  Detoxifies
•  Strengthens the capillaries & other blood vessels
•  Stops constipation & shrink hemorrhoids
•  Reduces insulin requirement of  diabetics
•  Prevents infertility as it maintains the ovaries
•   Prevents weakening of the sperm
•   Enhances sexual performance by aiding endocrine glands

Addresses the harmful effects of the following:
•  Fatigue and stress
•  Loose teeth
•  Nose bleed
•  Poor digestion
•  Rough skin
•  Scurvy
•  Cough
•  Adrenal insufficiency
•  Effects of air pollution
•  Allergies
•  Cancer
•  Cataracts
•  Discomfort from arthritis
•  Effects of radiation
•  Free radicals
•  Glaucoma
•  Alcoholism
•  Mental illness
•  Periodontal disease
•  Depression
•  Bleeding gums
•  Bone abnormalities
•  Confusion
•  Dental cavities
•  Easy bruising
•  Colds

 Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate?

The GLO Gene is absent in many people. Scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesize the specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end-stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate; without it, our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate.  In the long term, the lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out; in other words, sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to develop cancer.

Ascorbic Acid is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not the Ascorbic Acid our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.

Robert F. Cathcart, MD another medical pioneer who has had great success with Ascorbate, successfully treating over 25,000 patients with large doses, often as high as 150gms per day, healing all kinds of chronic degenerative disease.

Dr. Klenner UMD, FCCP began his Ascorbate studies in the 40's and treated 30 to 40 patients a day in North Carolina until his death in 1984, treating many degenerative diseases. He also found that treating with Ascorbate during pregnancy resulted in a much healthier mom and baby. If a mother takes high doses of Ascorbate, in addition to other measures such as taking folic acid and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, she will deliver an extremely healthy baby. Studies have also shown that labour will be quicker and less painful. Giving a child 1 gram of Ascorbate per day up until the age of 10 will bypass all regular childhood diseases including measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. as well as common airborne infections.

Not for individuals with kidney and heart ailment, hypertension and edema.

Not for patients on low sodium diet. Seek the advice of a health professional before taking medication


My personal review on Royale-C, it made me feel energetic each day and able to face the normal stressors and not being drained of energy at the end of the day. I felt less-prone to the common cold or any common illness. But then when I was in the process of taking it at first, I should have cut back on sodium intake. I guess it’s really not good for people with water retention problems.

Royale-C Sodium Ascorbate Mother Of All Vitamins


Php425 plus shipment fee of 90.00 (flat rate)

#christinchenroyale trusted Royale Distributor
Christine 09295629471/ 09066151422


International orders also accepted

•  Easily Absorbed by the System
•  Alkaline –Non-Acidic
•  Tummy-Friendly
•  Mother of all Vitamins

Benefits of Royalè-C:
•  Boosts immune system
•  Strengthens bones and joints
•  Increases iron absorption
•  Anti-Oxidant
•  Promotes collagen renewal
•  Adjunct in the prevention of cardio vascular problems
•  Detoxifies
•  Strengthens the capillaries & other blood vessels
•  Stops constipation & shrink hemorrhoids
•  Reduces insulin requirement of  diabetics
•  Prevents infertility as it maintains the ovaries
•   Prevents weakening of the sperm
•   Enhances sexual performance by aiding endocrine glands

Addresses the harmful effects of the following:
•  Fatigue and stress
•  Loose teeth
•  Nose bleed
•  Poor digestion
•  Rough skin
•  Scurvy
•  Cough
•  Adrenal insufficiency
•  Effects of air pollution
•  Allergies
•  Cancer
•  Cataracts
•  Discomfort from arthritis
•  Effects of radiation
•  Free radicals
•  Glaucoma
•  Alcoholism
•  Mental illness
•  Periodontal disease
•  Depression
•  Bleeding gums
•  Bone abnormalities
•  Confusion
•  Dental cavities
•  Easy bruising
•  Colds

 Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate?

The GLO Gene is absent in many people. Scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesize the specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end-stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate; without it, our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate.  In the long term, the lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out; in other words, sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to develop cancer.

Ascorbic Acid is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not the Ascorbic Acid our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.

Robert F. Cathcart, MD another medical pioneer who has had great success with Ascorbate, successfully treating over 25,000 patients with large doses, often as high as 150gms per day, healing all kinds of chronic degenerative disease.

Dr. Klenner UMD, FCCP began his Ascorbate studies in the 40's and treated 30 to 40 patients a day in North Carolina until his death in 1984, treating many degenerative diseases. He also found that treating with Ascorbate during pregnancy resulted in a much healthier mom and baby. If a mother takes high doses of Ascorbate, in addition to other measures such as taking folic acid and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, she will deliver an extremely healthy baby. Studies have also shown that labour will be quicker and less painful. Giving a child 1 gram of Ascorbate per day up until the age of 10 will bypass all regular childhood diseases including measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. as well as common airborne infections.

Not for individuals with kidney and heart ailment, hypertension and edema.

Not for patients on low sodium diet. Seek the advice of a health professional before taking medication


My personal review on Royale-C, it made me feel energetic each day and able to face the normal stressors and not being drained of energy at the end of the day. I felt less-prone to the common cold or any common illness. But then when I was in the process of taking it at first, I should have cut back on sodium intake. I guess it’s really not good for people with water retention problems.