Eat Yogurt For Good Health
Christinchen Royale
12:44 PM
healthy digestion
Skin Care
weight loss
yeast infection
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More and more people these days are making dietary and lifestyle changes to improve their health and help ensure their good health in the future.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Americans usually take in more calories than they need and still not meeting the recommended intakes for a number of nutrients.
Thus people need to choose meals and snacks that are high in nutrients, but low to moderate in calories. Americans seem to be catching on; according to a reliable survey, 73 percent of consumers are buying more nutritious and wholesome foods and beverages-such as yogurt-than in the past. Thanks too for the recommendation of health experts and the promotion of popular health buffs in the movie industry.
Yogurt is the basic ingredient in smoothies - which is popularized by weight watchers and health -conscious people. There are plenty of healthy and yummy smoothie recipes to choose from with consideration for every dietary need of each individual with Type A diabetes, hypertension, for instance. Yogurt is also said to be a quick cure for yeast infection in women.
From calcium and protein to active cultures and nutrients for growth, these seven benefits give the body an advantage today for tomorrow. Eating yogurt daily helps consumers:
1. Be Fit: Yogurt contains calcium, which can help with weight management.
2. Be Vital: Yogurt is a good source of protein for muscle maintenance.
3. Be Comfortable: Yogurt has active cultures that help milk digestion.
4. Be Strong: Yogurt has calcium, essential for strong bones.
5. Be Nourished: Yogurt contains important nutrients for children’s growth.
6. Be Proactive: Yogurt provides friendly bacteria for your digestive tract.
7. Be Happy: Yogurt is a great-tasting and satisfying part of your healthy diet.
Each day, it’s possible to enjoy all of these benefits by eating yogurt. Look for the label that says "with live cultures" So get into the healthy habit of consuming yogurt daily.

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