Nine-Day Blood Cleansing

Cut six cloves of raw garlic. Cook for 7 minutes in one-third glass of water. Pour the cooked garlic and broth into an 8 ounce glass and fill the glass with skimmed milk. Goat's milk is best. Drink it before retiring.
Take the minimum requirement of calcium lactate in the mid-afternoon.
Repeat the entire procedure of the first day.
Repeat the entire procedure of the first and second day.
Take an 8-ounce glass of sauerkraut juice first thing on an empty stomach. This in most cases produces good elimination. If the elimination does not take place, follow up one half hour later with an 8-ounce glass of warm fresh grapefruit juice or take a laxative.
Continue with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take the minimum requirement of calcium lactate in mid-afternoon.
Repeat the procedure of the 4th day with sauerkraut juice, etc. Continue with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take the minimum requirement of calcium lactate in mid-afternoon.
Take the "BLOOD WASH" by starting the day with a quart of fresh orange juice. Take a quart of grape juice, unsweetened, around noontime. Use fresh grape juice when in season. Take a quart of pineapple juice (unsweetened) fresh if available, around 3 o'clock PM.
Finish the day with a quart of fresh orange juice in the evening. The juices should be taken at intervals until they are consumed and they should be sipped through a straw.
Repeat the procedure of the 4th and 5th day, with sauerkraut juice, etc. Take the minimum daily requirement of calcium lactate in mid-afternoon.
Eat an abundance of green salads, the greener the better. The dressing should consist of pure apple cider vinegar, honey, paprika and some water. Shake well and serve cold.
Drink an abundance of green vegetable juice, the greener the better.
The following green vegetables are recommended: celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley, cucumber, onion, cabbage, rhubarb and papaya. (Although it is a fruit, papaya is included because of its remarkable therapeutic qualities.)
Take the minimum daily requirement of calcium lactate in mid-afternoon.
Eat an abundance of green salads, the greener the better. The dressing is to consist of sesame oil, pure apple cider vinegar, honey, paprika and some water. Shake well and serve cold. Drink an abundance of green vegetable juices, the greener the better. The following green vegetables are recommended: celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley, cucumber, onion, cabbage, rhubarb as well as papaya.
Continue with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take the minimum daily requirement of calcium lactate in mid-afternoon. Drink all you can of the following fresh fruit juices :orange, grapefruit, apple, papaya, pineapple, coconut, blackberry and cranberry. If you are troubled with arthritis, ulcers, acidosis, colitis, emphysema, heartburn, psoriasis, or hay fever, replace the citrus juices with alkaline juices, such as apple, papaya, coconut and acidophilus milk (which is highly alkaline.)
Continue with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take the minimum daily requirement of calcium lactate in the mid-afternoon. Drink all you can of the following fresh vegetable juices: carrot and celery (best combined, parsley and spinach (combined) cabbage, cucumber and papaya.
Now you have started on the path of rejuvenation and formed new food habits. There are certain important rules which will help you in attaining them. The following should be adhered to:
Eat only young, tender vegetables. If meat is eaten, limit it to once a week and make sure it is young and lean. Eat broiled beef liver twice a week, fowl twice a week (without skin) and seafood three times a week. Limit starchy foods severely, especially if you are over 40. Limit white flour and sugar entirely from your diet. Instead, eat an interesting chemical meal which contains all the necessary elements. Large green salads with dressing made of sesame oil, fresh apple cider vinegar, honey, paprika and some water, should be taken regularly. Don't stuff yourself with bread. One slice with each meal is sufficient. Whole wheat germ, whole wheat and soya breads are recommended. Eat bran for roughage. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of distilled or spring water daily. Don't drink water during meals. A cup of plain yogurt before retiring is a must. Drink a glassful of fresh lemon juice (one lemon) in warm water three times daily. This has proven to be most effective in the elimination and mucus and keeping your weight normal. For in-between snacks, eat fresh fruits such as dates, figs, apricots, raisins and nuts. Drink two glasses of buttermilk daily.
White flour products, white sugar products, hard water, old vegetables, coarse, matured meats, pork, muscle meats, excessively fatty foods, salt food high in animal fats, adulterated foods. Carbonated drinks, processed food, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, sweets of all kinds, condiments of all kinds, sauces, gravies, saccharin, synthetic sweeteners, synthetic pills, drugs in the form of laxatives and sedatives and especially homogenized milk - which is highly mucus- forming or any cow's milk.
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